Sakuma Rei

“ Let us go out this evening for pleasure, the night is still young. “


Enter the coffin at your own risk!

Muse Info

" Be careful when traveling at night. You don't know what kind of creatures might come out ♪ "


The Sakuma Rei most people of Yumenosaki Academy & ES Square know, only his self-proclaiming about being a vampire... happens to be true.

• He will most likely not bite anyone he knows, it makes him feel bad & he doesn’t wish to cause harm to them.

• He will only drink blood either out of bags or from hunters.

• The hunting group that’s always after him is called Zellion & they have been hunting his bloodline since the days of Dracula.

• Rei has some special powers! He’s often training them to help himself gain more control..

• Ever since Rei was a child, he was "beautiful" and intelligent. He would wander around graveyards and adults would come to him for advice, and he accidentally developed a following of devotees who would live by his every word despite his young age. This continued even as he grew. (Canon). He still wanders graveyards from time to time at night when he wishes to find somewhere peaceful to think when he’s feeling depressed.

• Rei is nocturnal, weak to sunlight, and has a thirst for blood as sustenance. Unlike his canon, his illness is actual vampirism.

• In this AU Jin Sagami knows about Rei being supernatural & actually helps him by providing emergency blood bags for Rei.



He’s very limited due to not learning more when he decided to focus on his idol studies instead. But he’ll eventually learn most of these. His branch of the bloodline is different than other branches of vampiric bloodlines.

  • Telepathy

  • Teleporting

  • Regenerative healing

  • Superhuman speed

  • Superhuman Strength

  • Shapeshifting (Bats, mist, cats)

  • Summoning Familiars




This muse contains some dark themes written!

- Blood mentions / Blood drinking
- Implied violence/gore
- Religious opinions

• I’m not completely caught up to the canon but I’m slowly reading everything!

• My portrayal of Rei is canon-divergent but based in !! timeline.

• I’m not good with canon so please bare with me while I try my best!

• This is not a “Loves You” account, they are not welcome on my account.

• Doubles are always welcome!

• Do not follow me ever if you fall under the basic DNF/DNI criteria(Racist, transphobic, anti-lgbt, pedophile, etc), if you are a proshipper/anti-anti or are just gross/problematic in general.

• ReiRitsu is not welcome ever on my account, I will block you & steal your kneecaps.

Go home!
